Day 46 – One Teaching – It’s Not About Me

I started writing this blog back in September.  I had expressed to my mentor, Robert Holden, in a coaching session that I was hoping to write a book someday.  Robert is a spiritual teacher, but he is also an achiever and knows how to motivate others to take action.  He encouraged me to pick a topic, pick a title and start writing.  That was my homework and I’ve always been a good student, so following teacher’s orders, this blog was born.  Robert knew quite well what he was encouraging me to do.  Yes, I had been writing privately in a journal for years, but I had never shared any of this writing.  I took the first step and made my thoughts available for others to read.  I had fun designing the look and feel and I wrote a few posts.  In 2020, I wrote eight posts over the course of four months.

In a follow up session with Robert towards the end of the year, he mentioned that it was missing an “About Me” page.  “The reader will want to know who the author is,” he told me.  But it’s really not about me, I thought.  I’ve spent a large chunk of my time, mostly during the early morning hours, reading, reflecting and writing.  My morning routine is something I’ve developed and fine tuned over the course of many years.  I just thought that perhaps there might be others out there that could benefit from some of the things I’ve learned and written about.  It’s the contents that matter.  They don’t care about me, right?  Does this smell like fear to you? 

Just yesterday, I reminded you that A Course in Miracles calls separation a “detour into fear.”  It is ego that separates us from who we really are and my ego is causing this fear.  If separation is a detour into fear along the path to personal mastery and higher consciousness, it is time for me to get back on the main road.  We are all connected as one in the universe, yet we take our own individual path, our own Hero’s Journey.  And this is exactly what we’ve been talking about for the last 45 days. 

As soon as I published my first blog post and made it available to be read by anyone, so much changed.  I had made myself vulnerable and a few petals of my own lotus flower peeled back.  I had faced fears and allowed a small piece of my ego to fall away.  Now each time I post, the flowers of this lotus are opening further and allowing the light inside of me to be seen.  It is becoming easier and easier.  The next big step is to put my name to it.  And although this blog is not about me, it is about getting off the detour of separation and dissolving ego. 

So today, I have added an “About” page to this blog.  And while the content of that bio tells a little more about my background so you can know more about me, please know that for me, the act of posting that info just allowed me to become less attached to the identity it seems to create.   We all have a story that makes us who we are and to which we all become attached.  However, in dissolving ego, we must learn to detach from our story to make ourselves available to the divine intentions of the universe.  I learned from Robert that if you are passionate about your message, people will find you.  And that is my true desire; to touch anyone that might find these writings helpful. 

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

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